20 Sep 2022
6 Habits of Highly Effective Leaders
Leadership skills are not something we are born with. Even when you begin learning leadership skills, it can take weeks, months, or even years to polish them. Becoming an outstanding leader requires many steps, including consistent upkeep and a desire to improve continually. This blog post will discuss the four habits of highly effective leaders. These habits can be challenging to develop, but they are ultimately worth it.
Habits of Highly Effective Leaders
Lead by Example
The finest leaders are those who can lead by example. They set the standard for their team and show everyone what it means to be a leader. A good leader always strives to do their best. They earn the respect of other people with their patience and kindness and, as long as they have the skills, don’t require of others anything they would not be willing to do themselves if roles were reversed. When you prove you can lead by example, your team will be more likely to do the same. This allows them to develop the habits of leaders themselves.
Cultivate Useful Habits
Cultivate Useful Habits in the areas of fitness, nutrition, sleep and well-being. Make sure your brain gets a mixture of modes. Try not to be busy or “On” all the time. Identify useful habits and try and nurture them until you hardwire them.
Create space in your week to stand back from the work and reflect. Think about your vision and plans, and reflect on how your week is going and what you have tried and learnt. Write in a learning journal. Set up new plans to work on improving your area. Check-in on how well yo are managing your reactivity.
A good leader knows how to listen. It’s essential to listen to your team members so that you can understand their needs and concerns. When you take the time to listen, it shows that you care about your team and that you are interested in the things they say. It also allows you to understand what others are thinking and feeling. Listening to others can help you be approachable and understanding as a leader.
Show Integrity
A good leader is someone who shows integrity. This means that a leader does what they pledge to do. Your team members need to be able to trust you, and the only way they can do that is if you show them that they can rely on you. If a new situation prevents you from completing a previously promised task, communicate quickly with other people who may be affected. If you need to delay the work, it’s crucial that you inform others so they can adapt as needed. Being honest in your communication will show you are a reliable leader.
Ask for and Offer Feedback
Model feedback by being vulnerable and asking for it. A good leader offers constructive feedback at the appropriate time. Sometimes this feedback may be direct but should always include valuable comments that clearly state an issue and how an employee can improve. Leadership and change can go hand in hand.
You can offer employees praise when they do something well, but it’s also important to point out areas where they need improvement. If you only give positive feedback, your team will start to think they are doing everything right. However, if you only give negative feedback, they will get discouraged and might begin to feel that they can never please you. Polish your leadership skills by working to discover a balance of critique.
How Can You Develop These Habits?
The most effective way to develop these habits is to start small and start experimenting with small shifts. If you want to or need to take a bigger step more quickly and could use some support form others and professional coaches and facilitators then consider a leadership course.
At Mantle, we offer leadership development courses that can help you learn more about what it takes to be a leader. We believe learning about leadership is vital so you can implement a proper leadership mindset. Practise your leadership skills in group situations to continue growing your abilities.
Taking a course can benefit you in many ways. It can help you understand the different aspects of leadership and allow you to practise what you have learned. In addition, taking a course can also help you meet other leaders and learn from their experiences. If you feel ready to invest time in your leadership skills, we encourage you to review our website or call us directly. Our team will happily answer whatever questions you have about leadership development in New Zealand.