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Agile Leadership: What future-focused organisations are doing today, in order to thrive tomorrow
What does tomorrow hold for your organisation? Are your leaders up for the challenges that lie ahead?
Download our free resource to find out – and to see whether your leaders are up to the challenge.
Our Leadership Insights
Our Leadership Insights brings you the latest trends and information about leadership development.
Why a hopeful mindset matters (and how to regain your optimism for 2021)
After an extraordinary challenging 2020, many of us had high expectations for the coming 12 months. You might be feeling that you’re right on track to achieving them. On the other hand, you could also be thinking that 2021 has so far failed to deliver. If that’s the case, should you lower your ambitions and […]
Top down or Bottom Up Thinking?
Today’s workplaces represent a significant challenge for all of us. With more things to do than time to do them, how do we best figure out what we should do? With tomorrow to look after as well as today, how do we manage today so we can grab some thinking space about tomorrow? With a […]
We are wired to hate uncertainty
In these Covid times one thing there is no shortage of is uncertainty, and it is taking a toll on peoples’ well-being.
Strategies to support resilience in the workplace
According to the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, longer hours, compressed work weeks, shift work, reduced job security, and part-time and temporary work are realities of the modern workplace and are increasingly affecting the health and lives of employees. Resilience (successfully adapting to adversity) is now recognised as a defining characteristic of employees […]
Slow Down To Speed Up
As we continue in our second or third lockdown depending on your definition you might be feeling “lockdowned out” it certainly appears for many that the effect of successive lockdowns is cumulative with many people going to reporting this second series of lockdowns being harder than the first. There’s no question having to make change […]
How to effectively lead a team through change and in times of uncertainty
The mindset and skills of all leaders need to match the demands of the 21st century workforce, and the current pandemic has just highlighted this even more.