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Importance of a Growth mindset to Leaders

Importance of a Growth mindset to Leaders

Leadership is about constructive change and in a busy uncertain and chaotic world any potential change is not without risk. Most of us for one reason or another have a lot invested in the status quo and it does take energy to purposefully change. Carol Dweck a...
6 Habits of Highly Effective Leaders

6 Habits of Highly Effective Leaders

Leadership skills are not something we are born with. Even when you begin learning leadership skills, it can take weeks, months, or even years to polish them. Becoming an outstanding leader requires many steps, including consistent upkeep and a desire to improve...
Tips for Developing a Leadership Mindset

Tips for Developing a Leadership Mindset

To become an effective leader, you must embrace a positive mindset. Leaders with a learning mindset exert more effort and constantly seek to improve their skills. Additionally, leaders accept responsibility for their actions and are honest and open with their team. If...